As we strive to improve children’s academic performance in preparition for global life, we have to be aware that quality education can not be restricted only academic achievement. Our students need to develop healty and happy competences. Because these competences lead students to be vigorous in body and in mind.
When we observe our students' life styles, we realise that they can't manage a healty and happy life. They skip breakfast which is the most important meal of the day and consuming fast food is common among them. And most of the students don't make sports. They ignore the harms of bad habits. On the other hand children face enormous pressures including stress at school, body image issues and peer and cyberbullying. Some of them are internet addict. They don't have a real social life with their families, friends. They are both unhappy and irrevelant to school life. They are at the risk of leaving school. On the other hand, inadequate and unbalanced diet, bad habits, stress, worry, and hostility increase the risk of developing some diseases like heart diseases, depression. We have to maintain a healthy, positive emotional state at schools. The motivation for our project to make students healtier and happier unites students. We believe the core of happy life lies in connection with wellness. We want to take attention the importance of health and happy together. Because in the 21th century students have to gain skills and values that increase the quality of life. As it is emphasized in Erasmus guide, for more motivation and satisfaction in daily work, our students should be healty and happy.During the project students can explore the
value of being healty and happy, we offer them attractive education programmes which supply their needs and expectation. The project provides pupils opportunity to explore and develop themselves. Partner schools cooperate together to solve the problems, share good practices. The project includes subjects which are Science, Maths, ICT, Psychology, Music, Art and English. The Whole School Approach helps us that these disciplines cooperate successfully. By the way our project gives opportunity to students to study “Science-Maths” which they have difficulty to realise these disciplines are always in our lives.Partners will have a chance to improve their language competence communicating, too. Students will develop their entrepreneurial, social and digital competences, interpersonal and intercultural skills. We are convinced that with the new trend of globalization we are moving into a new phase of European development. We aim to help create a sense of European identity in the students and teachers, to broaden their views beyond cultural and national borders and to encourage them to consider their future prospects in a wider, European context. This partnership will also support the professional improvement of teachers by exchanging educational ideas and experiences amongst colleagues from different countries.